Source: IGZ
As Diablo IV DLC releases, many new players have raised questions regarding the game’s platform and server mechanics. This article aims to provide an objective explanation of Diablo IV’s cross-platform functionality and server structure.
Firstly, Diablo IV fully supports cross-platform play. Whether playing on PC, PlayStation, or Xbox, players can seamlessly connect with others across these platforms to form parties, trade, or engage in PvP. This means that platform choice is largely a matter of personal preference or convenience, as there are no restrictions on interaction between different platform users.
Regarding servers, there is often some confusion among players. While terms like "US servers" or "Asia servers" are commonly used, Diablo IV operates on a global server system. This can be likened to a large, global stadium where the regional servers (such as US, Asia, or Europe) simply act as different entry points. Once inside, all players are part of the same shared game environment, regardless of which regional server they initially logged into.
However, while the game world is globally connected, players should still select the appropriate network node to optimize their gameplay experience. For example, if a player logs in through the US servers, it is recommended to choose a US-related node to minimize latency. Choosing a node from a distant region, such as Asia, while on the US server, could result in higher latency and affect game performance.
To further explain this, the stadium analogy is useful. While all players are within the same global server, the entrance and node they select determine their "seating area" within the game. Players logging in through the Asia servers are more likely to encounter others from nearby regions like China, Japan, or Korea. Conversely, players entering through the US servers are more likely to meet players from the Americas or Europe. This regional matchmaking system is automatic but does not prevent players from different regions from teaming up, as game data is fully shared across all regions.
In summary, Diablo IV offers full cross-platform play and operates on a global server. Regardless of which platform or regional server players choose, they can interact and play with others from around the world.