Source: IGZ
On November 13th, Blizzard held a Campfire Chat for Diablo IV, providing updates on the current season and teasers for Season 7. Here's a summary of the key points:
PTR Announcement: Season 7 Preview
Blizzard confirmed that the PTR stream for Season 7 will take place next week. Key highlights include:
Class balancing changes: Adjustments across various skills and mechanics.
New seasonal features: Updates to gameplay systems.
Return of the Red-Cloaked Horror: Likely a revival of last year’s event.
While the PTR stream is set for next week, the PTR server itself may not open until December, potentially delayed by the team’s holiday schedule.
Spiritborn's Anomalous Interactions and Fix Plans
Some unexpected interactions (e.g., Viscous Shield and other synergies) are slated for fixes in Season 7.
Performance fixes: Blizzard will prioritize addressing issues where Spirit Boons impact overall gameplay performance.
Despite these changes, Spirit Boons remain dominant, and more buffs to other classes are planned.
Class Balance Changes
Razor Wing and Withering Fist see slight buffs.
Toxic Skin gets significant improvements, boosting poison builds by 20%-30% in raw output, benefiting both farming and endgame content.
Core abilities like Hammer of the Ancients and Double Swing gain ~20% more damage.
Battle-Mad Aspect provides an additional 40% damage boost.
Passive abilities like Lupine Ferocity and One With Nature see increases.
Improvements to Stormchaser's Aspect and the Basilisk Staff unique weapon.
Decompose and Evulsion see marginal boosts.
Enhancements to Penetrating Shot and the Victimize passive.
Combustion bonus damage rises from 5% to 25%.
Avalanche’s proc rate triples, and Aspect of Piercing Cold gain significant power-ups.
Additional Changes
Runes Adjusted: New or reworked effects.
Shrine Buffs: Conduit and Fire Shrines gain functionality upgrades.
This Campfire Chat primarily previewed the upcoming PTR and hinted at class balancing adjustments. While the changes may seem minor for now, they set the stage for a more refined experience in Season 7. Stay tuned for official patch notes and updates!