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    Elden Ring Newbie Guide: How to Quickly Obtain 70,000 Runes


    Source IGZ

    Welcome! In this guide, I’ll show you a detailed method on how to quickly acquire 70,000 runes in the early stages of Elden Ring. This guide is an enhanced version of previous tutorials, with more details and optimizations to ensure you won't miss any crucial steps.

    However, note that if you don’t have a bleed weapon, the process will be significantly slower, potentially taking up to 40 minutes. With a bleed weapon, you can finish in just 5 minutes. We recommend obtaining the powerful bleed weapon Reduvia to make this method much more efficient. You can refer to our previous guide on how to get this weapon.

    Step-by-Step Guide to Earning 70,000 Runes

    Navigate to the First Underground Dungeon

    From the The First Step Site of Grace, head to the marked location on the map.

    Here, you will find cellar entrances—be sure to enter the correct one, which is located beneath a tall tower.

    Navigating the Cellar

    Once you’re inside the cellar, crouch to avoid detection by rats. If any enemies approach, you can defeat them easily, as they are not very strong at this stage. After opening the chest, a teleportation trap will activate, sending you to a mine.

    Escaping the Mine

    Upon arriving in the mine, the enemies outside are much stronger, but you don’t need to fight them. Simply crouch and sneak left to exit safely. Head toward the Site of Grace and activate it.

    Setting Time to Noon

    After resting at the Site of Grace, change the time to noon to make navigation easier. Then, once outside , head toward the marked tree in the red circle on your map and run toward it.

    Navigating Toward the Dragon

    After passing the tree, keep moving forward, using the smaller golden tree in the distance as a reference point. Don’t worry if it disappears from view as you move closer—just keep heading straight.

    We continue moving straight ahead, keeping the same direction. When you reach this area, you’ll encounter some enemies. Use the tree on the left as your reference point and head towards it.

    Once you arrive, you’ll see a Site of Grace. After activating it, jump to the right onto the rocks. If you’re looking for the map fragment in this area, it’s a long way off, but by following my route, you won’t need the fragment to find your destination. As you proceed, you’ll hear a merchant talking nearby. When you reach the merchant, use the cliff on your right as a reference and continue walking along the cliff's edge.

    Avoiding the Giant Enemies

    Eventually, you’ll reach a cliffside turn where two giant enemies will appear. Ignore them and focus on the tower on the left—run toward the tower.


    Crossing the Coffins

    Once you reach the tower, continue along the cliff until you find a series of coffins. At the red circle location, you can jump over the coffins safely (this is the only jumpable point in the area).


    After crossing, use the dead tree in your field of view as a reference and run toward it.

    Approaching the Castle and Dragon

    After reaching the tree, you’ll see a castle in the distance—this is your destination. Head straight toward the castle, and on the way, you’ll spot a massive, immobile dragon. Don’t engage the dragon yet. Instead, head to the Site of Grace behind the dragon near its tail and activate it.

    Fighting the Dragon

    Now it’s time to fight the dragon. This is where your bleed weapon comes in handy. With a bleed weapon, the dragon can be defeated in about five minutes. Without one, the fight could take up to 40 minutes. Be sure to attack from under the dragon’s feet to avoid being hit by smaller enemies that may try to interfere.


    Once you’ve defeated the dragon, you’ll earn 70,000 runes. Make sure to use them immediately to avoid losing them if you die later in the game. Bleed weapons significantly speed up the process, so if you don’t have one, refer back to our guide on obtaining Reduvia

    Good luck, and enjoy your adventure!