Source: IGZ
Hello, and welcome to the Diablo IV Beginner’s Guide. In this article, we’ll explain the Resistance and Damage Reduction Mechanics to help you better understand how to improve your character’s survivability.
In Diablo IV, characters start with zero resistance, meaning they have no innate resistance without gear, skills, or Paragon points. Resistance is primarily derived from Intelligence, where each point of Intelligence provides roughly 0.25% to all resistances. This makes it easier for Intelligence-based classes, such as Sorcerers and Necromancers, to accumulate resistance.
There are five main sources for stacking resistance:
Increased Intelligence: Higher Intelligence adds to overall resistance.
Armor Affixes: Four armor pieces (excluding gloves) can have resistance affixes.
Gem Socketing: Inserting gems into jewelry can add resistance—diamonds increase all resistances, while other gem colors boost specific resistances.
Fixed Jewelry Affixes: Resistance bonuses are available on specific jewelry affixes.
Paragon Board: Certain nodes in the Paragon Board provide resistance.
Additional sources that can increase resistance include unique pants like “Tassets of the Dawning Sky,” the Rogue’s Resistant Assailant’s Aspect, Sorcerer Paragon glyphs, elixirs, and incense. These elements can boost resistance beyond the 70% cap, up to a maximum of 85%. However, given the current monster difficulty, reaching 85% resistance is not essential.
Resistance stacking calculation is simple: all resistance sources are added together. If an “all resistance” stat is included, it is applied to each type of resistance individually.
Resistance damage reduction is straightforward. For instance, if an enemy would normally deal 100 points of fire damage and your fire resistance is 70%, then the enemy only deals 30 points of fire damage to you, or 30% of the original damage.
Unlike Armor, which primarily reduces physical damage, resistance mitigates fire, lightning, cold, poison, and shadow damage. Which defense is applied depends on the type of damage dealt by the enemy.
Additionally, in Diablo IV, fire, poison, and shadow damage often include a Damage Over Time (DOT) effect, which resistance also helps to mitigate.
This concludes our guide on resistance and damage reduction in Diablo IV. We hope this information enhances your gameplay experience. See you next time!