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    Understanding Seasons in Diablo IV: A Guide for New Players


    Source IGZ

    Hello everyone, and welcome to the Diablo IV Beginner’s Guide. In this article, we’ll break down what a “Season” is and why it matters, especially for new players.


    If you’re new to games like Diablo, the concept of a Season might seem unfamiliar. Think of it as a “New Realm” or “New Server” that lasts for 3 months. In Diablo IV, a new Season begins every three months, during which players must create new characters, level up from scratch, and gear up again. Each Season’s server is entirely separate from the regular server (non-seasonal server), and data between them is not shared.


    Each Season introduces unique content, such as special gameplay mechanics, quests, or seasonal events, which function like limited-time events tailored for the new server. However, if you stay on the non-seasonal server, you’ll miss out on these exclusive features.


    To encourage participation in each Season, Blizzard often offers special rewards like exclusive cosmetics, experience boosts, and increased gold drops. Some of these perks are free, while others may require payment. Seasons are time-limited, and once the three months are up, seasonal characters are automatically transferred to the non-seasonal server. For example, if you have a level 100 Barbarian on the non-seasonal server and then play as a level 100 Sorcerer during the Season, both characters will appear on the non-seasonal server when the Season ends.


    Seasons aim to keep gameplay fresh and exciting, but with each Season featuring unique content, not every Season appeals to every player. Even dedicated fans might skip a Season if its features don’t seem enjoyable. Blizzard may refine the system in the future, possibly allowing players to bring existing characters into a Season without needing to start over.


    Hopefully, this article has given you a clear understanding of the Season system in Diablo IV. If you have any other questions, feel free to leave a comment! See you next time!